Women Light Mesh Orthopedic Pillow Sneakers - Running Walking Shoes
Women Light Mesh Orthopedic Pillow Sneakers - Running Walking Shoes
Women Light Mesh Orthopedic Pillow Sneakers - Running Walking Shoes
Women Light Mesh Orthopedic Pillow Sneakers - Running Walking Shoes
Women Light Mesh Orthopedic Pillow Sneakers - Running Walking Shoes
Women Light Mesh Orthopedic Pillow Sneakers - Running Walking Shoes
Women Light Mesh Orthopedic Pillow Sneakers - Running Walking Shoes
Women Light Mesh Orthopedic Pillow Sneakers - Running Walking Shoes
Women Light Mesh Orthopedic Pillow Sneakers - Running Walking Shoes
Women Light Mesh Orthopedic Pillow Sneakers - Running Walking Shoes
Women Light Mesh Orthopedic Pillow Sneakers - Running Walking Shoes
Women Light Mesh Orthopedic Pillow Sneakers - Running Walking Shoes
Women Light Mesh Orthopedic Pillow Sneakers - Running Walking Shoes
Women Light Mesh Orthopedic Pillow Sneakers - Running Walking Shoes
Women Light Mesh Orthopedic Pillow Sneakers - Running Walking Shoes
Women Light Mesh Orthopedic Pillow Sneakers - Running Walking Shoes
Women Light Mesh Orthopedic Pillow Sneakers - Running Walking Shoes
Women Light Mesh Orthopedic Pillow Sneakers - Running Walking Shoes
Women Light Mesh Orthopedic Pillow Sneakers - Running Walking Shoes
Women Light Mesh Orthopedic Pillow Sneakers - Running Walking Shoes
Women Light Mesh Orthopedic Pillow Sneakers - Running Walking Shoes
Women Light Mesh Orthopedic Pillow Sneakers - Running Walking Shoes
Women Light Mesh Orthopedic Pillow Sneakers - Running Walking Shoes
Women Light Mesh Orthopedic Pillow Sneakers - Running Walking Shoes
Women Light Mesh Orthopedic Pillow Sneakers - Running Walking Shoes
Women Light Mesh Orthopedic Pillow Sneakers - Running Walking Shoes
Women Light Mesh Orthopedic Pillow Sneakers - Running Walking Shoes
Women Light Mesh Orthopedic Pillow Sneakers - Running Walking Shoes

Women Light Mesh Orthopedic Pillow Sneakers - Running Walking Shoes

Save $9.96
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Being Stylish And Comfortable At The Same Time With Our New Shoes

Ultra-light | Breathable | Knitting | Trendy

Orthopedic Innersole

The orthotic insoles were designed to shape a balanced anatomical posture for a correct posture and healthy walking routine.

Helpful Arch Support

The 3D-arch support absorbs the awful shock of each step during exercise or walking, evenly distributes foot pressure, and reduces fatigue for a cloudy experience.

  • If you combine these arch support insoles with our shoes, every foot problem will be released.

Incredibly durable for long day walking, standing or running 

The knitting upper reduces weight, significantly increases breathability, improves packability, simplifies shoe construction. The woven upper lattice of the shoes makes them breathable, light and airy, which is perfect for casual, and running.

Softer and more comfortable inside 

To enhance the comfort of using, the pad is hidden downwards, helping to support your feet and shock absorbing as you walk, creating absolute smoothness when using. 

Better anti-slip protection for your movements 

Sole reinforces anti-slip function. It has excellent cushioning with anti-slip and earthquake protection. It helps propel the foot forward with minimal joints motion and adds spring to your step.

Flexible flexural to stabilize your foot 

These shoes can easily bend in multiple directions to prevent injury, increase leg stiffness and lead to greater impact loading when your foot hits the pavement. 

Sporty design can mix match with all outfits

Whether you are looking for a go-with-everything pair of shoes or a special one to boost up your fashion, this one is perfect for you.

Product details 

  • On the material : Air Mesh
  • Outsole Material : Rubber
  • Closure Type : Lace-Up
  • Fit : Fits true to size, take your normal size.
  • Fashion Element : Ankle Strap
  • Insole Material : EVA
  • Lining Material : None

Size guide

Return Policy

1. Items can be returned or exchanged within 30 days after the purchase date. Please note that FLash Sale, free gifts, Clearance items  cannot be returned. 

2. Please keep the delivery payment voucher and provide it to our customer service staff, which will be provided for your refund.

3.  You can mail out the package at your nearest post office or call the post office to arrange a collection.

4. Before sending back the products, please contact our customer service first for return address.(support@candanu.com)

NOTE: Items that do not meet these criteria will not be considered for return.

Return Conditions

1. For items with no quality issue, please ensure the returned items are unworn, unwashed, undamaged, have the original tags attached and the original packaging. All return requests must be authorized by our customer service team before shipping to our returned address.

2. For items with quality or size issue. Please contact our customer service with some clear pictures to show the problem. Once confirmed, return address will be send to you immediately.

For below circumstances, customers could contact us for return or refund:

1) Received wrong or damaged item(s)

2) Items are not as described on product page

3) Received faulty item(s)

4) Missing item(s)

5) Poor material or workmanship

Return Process

Please carefully follow our return process to minimize any delays: 

1. If your item is qualified to be returned, please contact with our customer sevice(support@candanu.com) for :

• Order number

• SKU number or product name

• Reason for return

2. Our customer service team will respond to your request within 24 hours.

3. Please return the item to the return address we provided and send us return proof in the form of the tracking number and a valid return receipt.

About Refund

1. Your order will be processed within 2-5 business days after we receive the product packaging. After confirmation, we will arrange customer service to process the refund, and you will receive the refund within 5-7 working days. Please note, original shipping charges are non-refundable.

Return Adress

1. Please do not send your return to the sender's address on your package. This is not the return address and will affect the processing of your return. You should only send it to the address that our customer service provide to you.(emai: support@candanu.com)

Return Cost

1.We do not offer Freight To Collect (FTC) service for the packages returned to us. The returns will be made at your own cost.

contact information:

1.Please note that you must contact us before returning an item. The return address must be provided by our Customer Service Center.
